It's just over a month until Audi unveils the new A5 coupe at the Geneva show, and the company's just launched a…
We now are beginning to feel like we know the plot-line for all of the Super Bowl XLI commercials way ahead of…
For the engineers out there, this should be a snap. For the Honeywell employees, it should be even easier.…
Adventures In Not-So-Subliminal Car Advertising: We're Thinking Of A Number, Any Two-Digit Number...
This newspaper ad for a Queens auto dealership could be the world's most obvious attempt at linking sex with buying…
Our first run-in with a Volkswagen Rabbit diesel, sometime in the late 1970s, began and ended with the phrase,…
Well, there's one big story on everyone in the auto industry's mind — what's up with FoMoCo's 2006 earnings?…
Time Inc., we know how much it hurts right now to be broken up, but you've got to know it wasn't you — it was all…
Although we'd been speaking German for six years, we were still surprised upon our arrival in Deutschland when the…
We were going to mention how, now in its, 1,437th season, American Chopper was breaking toward the shark ramp with…
After doing the post about the greatest motorcycle movie ever made and screaming mea culpa about following Davey…
My parents are retired. Both of them. Both worked until working became a rather annoying, frustrating proposition…
As AdAge reports, automotive buff books are creating online multimedia presentations showing off new vehicles,…
One of the biggest reasons for the General to be involved in this upcoming summer's blockbuster movie about the cars…
The craziest man at the 'merican side of the German-American hybrid is rumored to be officially taking up the…
I don't know if anyone else has seen the new Chevrolet commercial Gwen Stefani music video for the new Chevy Tahoe …
When we were in San Francisco over the New Year, we noticed a Mini billboard on 80 eastbound just before the bridge…
We'll be over at FoMoCo later this morning to have a look at the first Ford ad spots in a long time that won't be…
Yes, according to the Detroit News, Chrysler says an incentive program slated for later this year will mean free…
The imperiled Ford unit has joined forces with Wallpaper* magazine, somewhat inexplicably, to sponsor the…
Good job by Chevy in buying up any and every advertising possibility as the US of A rings in the new year. To…