Have you been trolling Craigslist and Bring a Trailer and Facebook Marketplace and Etsy and your neighbors’ garages (quietly, at night) looking for a new project car? Of course you have. And are you bored, just so very bored, with miserable, sl0w-ass pieces of shit like Veyrons and Chirons and Huracans and Huayra and Bradley GTs and Sennas and other alleged supercars? Again, of course you are.
Well, here’s an idea to shatter that ennui: Why not buy the whole Bloodhound car and team and try to set a new land speed record? What else do you have going on?
You might remember the Bloodhound LSR when it hit an impressive 628 mph a bit over a year ago on a test run in South Africa. That wasn’t enough to beat the current land speed record of 763.035 mph, set by the ThrustSSC way back in 1997, but Bloodhound’s goals have always been to beat that record and then continue on to an absurd 1,000 mph on land.
You can be the one to push Bloodhound to that goal. Yes, YOU.
When you Venmo your $11 million or so to current owner Ian Warhurst, you’re getting not just a colossal rocket car, but also the entire holding company and organization that’s in charge of the whole project:
Ian is inviting a new owner to take over Grafton LSR Ltd, the holding company which owns the Bloodhound LSR project. The new owner will inherit a proven high-speed car with a demonstrated potential for an 800+ mph world land speed record. Ian said: “It has been a privilege to lead this team of world-class engineers over the past two years. I was spellbound – along with a huge audience around the world – as we tested the car up to 600+ mph in South Africa.”
Sure, it’s a lot more cash than the $300,000 or so that the car itself was selling for back in 2018, but this time you’re getting the whole entire operation! This is a turnkey deal, people, ready to go from day one!
Really, after reading all this, can you afford not to buy this thing? Probably not.
Warhurst blames the pandemic-caused global slowdown for the need to sell off the project and states that the only other option would be to basically throw a tarp over the car and just hope the project can be re-started at some point, but there’s no guarantee there.
As the Bloodhound site says,
“The project is expected to recoup increasingly large amounts through sponsorship and rights sales as the programme develops, making this a unique and exciting investment.”
...so, really there’s hardly any financial risk at all!
Plus, if you’re the owner, who’s going to say you can’t take the Bloodhound out for grocery runs or racing for pinks at nearby stoplights? Look how relaxing this thing is to drive:
That could be you! This could be an ideal alternative to air travel in the pandemic age—once you get to a nice stretch of open highway, you can really open her up and cover like half the continental U.S. in two or three hours! You might need to add a luggage rack or something for your stuff, but still, there are all sorts of practical reasons to do this, right?
If anyone here is interested in buying the team and breaking those 800 mph and then 1,000 mph records, or even if you just want it for your personal enjoyment, then shoot Ian an email.
But hey — no tire kickers, and I have it on good authority that he knows what he’s got, so be cool.