Will The New Honda Ridgeline Be A Real Manly Man Testosterone Truck?

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They're gonna (grunt) make a (grrrr) new Honda Ridgeline and they say it's (muscle flex) gonna be a real pickup this time.

Honda just announced that they're going to make a new Ridgeline, following the rumors that, inexplicably, they've been planning on making a new Ridgeline. Honda claims it will be more "truck like."


'Truck like' is industry code for 'large macho big grill loud beef flex meat flex tough strong man huge.'


While the last Ridgeline was a wimpy girly man unibody pickup with (scoff) front-wheel drive-biased AWD, the new one looks like a real mean trucky truck man truck mister mean full steroid muscle big man truck.


As a man's man I'm looking forward to this new manly man's man Ridgeline from Honda.