How Many Drinks Was That? Jalopnik Editor Jaws On The General; We Drink

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Wert's becoming a media whore. He knows it, we know it...the American people know it. But the saying "practice makes perfect" must be true, because he's become a much better media whore as of late — he's really doing us proud. Wert even reprised his role as "crazy eyes killer", as you'll be able to see for yourself at the end of the segment. What the hell was he looking at? Oh wait, that'd probably be Melissa Francis up on the monitor. She's a fox...rowr! But now that Wert's gone back to being "ol' swivel-head" it means we'll be seeing more "Faces of Pundit Death" shortly. You know you want it, don't even try and pretend you don't. We've received a ton of e-mails from folks letting us know the score from last night's "Round II" of the "Official Car Pundit Drinking Game" and almost all of them are different. Maybe it was the rules, but since you guys and gals came up with them — all we have to say is fight it out in the comments, hug it out, and then we'll drop a post letting you choose the next set of additions to the "Official Rules."


A Curve Ball Thrown One Hour Before Round II, Jalopnik's Turn To Drive! Round II Of The Official Car Pundit Drinking Game [internal]