Guys Will See This And Just Think 'Hell Yeah'
If a Talladega Nights-inspired NASCAR on a sand dune doesn't get you going, I don't know what will.
Dudes Rock and "hell yeah, brother" have long been two pillars of what I decide to post about on this website, and I think I have found something else that follows through on that ethos. You see, I stumbled across an Instagram video that shows a "Talladega Nights" Wonder Bread NASCAR stock car tearing it up on the dunes, and my very first thought was, "hell yeah" since I am a dude.
After doing some more clicking I actually found out this dune expedition was a lot more than a short Instagram click: it's an entire YouTube video detailing how the rad dudes over at the Reckless Rides YouTube channel got their Ricky Bobby-inspired ride ready to conquer the sand.
The big modification they made was adding huge paddle wheels to the rear of the stock car, meaning it would kick up astronomical amounts of sand, but it would look sick as hell in the process.
I don't know, man. There's just something so wonderfully sick about watching a stock car covered in Wonder Bread decals absolutely ripping shit on some sand dunes, all while the dudes who are driving it are dressed up like Ricky Bobby and Cal Naughton, Jr. themselves. It's a sight to beyond.
It wasn't exactly smooth sailing for the stock car, but that's not really surprising, is it? The front bumper took a real beating, but considering it has no ground clearance, it wasn't so bad. The clutch went out at one point (but it was revived), and the engine overheated.
So, what did we learn from all of this? Well, absolutely nothing, but who gives a shit? Hell yeah is a way of life. There does not need to be a point to everything, does there? Sometimes life's about having fun, man.