COTD: Wanna Stay At Home On A Saturday Night Edition

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I've never been living on the street, wishing I could be at home on a Saturday night. In a similar vein, I've never had a day job where there's a chance someone I'm dealing with will just shoot me.

This is an issue that came up when we watched a Volvo driver shoot Indiana police officer Matt Fox in the chest, wrist and neck. Some of us got into a interesting conversation where we came to a surprisingly positive conclusion out of a usually dreary discussion about police interacting with drivers.


BrtStlnd started the discussion:

Honestly not trying to start a huge, worthless discussion about Police interaction but this is exactly why I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to cops in confrontations with civilians. No one ever walks into my office and opens fire on me at work while I'm updating client info or filing trade confirms. They have to always be ready to fight for their lives at a moment's notice... that's the definition of stress. I think this reality does take a toll on some officers and they use it as an excuse or justification for some of their actions... but shit, that's a tough way to live.


Irving Snapoversteer Washington followed pointing out the worth of police dash cams.

And I would bet that dash cams probably can prove that 99.99% of police are doing their jobs in a responsible and professional manner.
I'm still happier having the cams.



The cams are impossible to argue against for all parties. In dealing with people who can seemingly only be fired if they murder, some oversight is needed.



Cams tend to be "broken" or "we can't find the tapes" in many cases though.


True. Or take multiple court orders to obtain.
Reminds me I want to get a gopro to mount in any car or bike I might drive.


Ultimately, we can all agree that when it comes to driving, it is best to do as the Russians do.