Actor and V8-enthusiast Dax Shepard was on Conan O’Brien’s show recently talking about his 1994 supercharged LSA-swapped ’94 Buick Roadmaster wagon. It sounds righteous, for sure, and I liked how Coco could relate to spending time in the rear-facing way back seats of a classic American family cruiser.
I won’t ruin the joke any more than I already have with my headline, but there is something to be said for all the acting practice you could get by trying to entertain people behind your parents’ car in traffic.
Shepard has good taste in cars. Aside from the fact that he doesn’t like Miatas, of course. You can read a little more about his stable in this interview with him we did when the CHiPs movie came out if you’re so inclined. He had an E63 Wagon too when that movie was being made, it stood out even (especially) in a lot full of celebrity and movie-biz peoples’ daily drivers.