Annoying YouTuber Tropes, The Next Presidential Limo And The Maintenance You're Ignoring In This Week's QOTD Roundup
A collection of our best posts of the week in QOTD
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At the end of 2024, Honda and Nissan announced a merger to form a new company that will share products and ideas. Well, it’s been met with mixed reactions, to say the least. However, it did get me thinking about possible future automaker hookups, which eventually led to my question from last week. - Andy Kalmowitz Read More
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As fun as wrenching is, we don’t always want to do every job as soon as it’s necessary. Maybe we don’t have the time, maybe we don’t have the parts, maybe it’s just January out and we simply don’t want to freeze ourselves on the pavement. Regardless, we’re all putting something off, and earlier this week I asked you all what’s perennially on your to-do list. Look over all of these on your own car — if everyone else is ignoring it, you might be too. - Amber DaSilva Read More
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It used to be so easy to spot a cop car in your rearview mirror. The Ford Crown Victoria dominated the police car world, and its design stayed vastly the same for decades. The glowing amber marker lights that bookended each headlight spoiled drivers by being easily identifiable in your rearview mirror, whether it was a black-and-white marked cop car or an unmarked one. To make things even easier for drivers with a penchant for bending the rules, it seemed like the number of civilian-owned Ford Crown Victorias roaming the streets was exponentially lower than the number of civilian Ford Explorers currently on the roads now that Ford’s SUV dominates modern police fleets. - Logan Carter Read More
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The president of the United States has flown around in a plane made by Boeing since the 1960s and a converted Cadillac has served as his official car since the 1990s. While the manufacturer of Air Force One is unlikely to change anytime soon, the provider of the state car might do. And this got us wondering about what car the new administration could pick for its vehicle of choice. - Owen Bellwood Read More
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Cars require so much work to maintain. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s rewarding, but sometimes actually doing all that work is just a slog — the kind of slog that gets put off again, and again, and again. Today, we ask: What automotive maintenance item are you ignoring right now? - Amber DaSilva Read More
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The car side of YouTube has exploded in recent years and it’s great to see. From simple wrenching videos to in-depth reviews, you could spend days going down the rabbit hole of automotive YouTubers. The downside of this explosion in popularity? Annoying tropes. - Lawrence Hodge Read More
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Hopefully, if you’re reading Jalopnik, you love your car. Whether you drive a basic commuter sedan, a big truck or a sports car, a good car enthusiast should be enthusiastic about their ride. Last year I bought a 2006 Mercedes-Benz CLS500 that I absolutely adore; it’s the newest car I’ve ever owned and definitely the most modern and high-end in terms of features, which has improved by life in numerous ways. But still — there’s a couple things about my car that really piss me off. - Daniel Golson Read More
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Earlier this week I asked you fine people to share the most annoying things about your cars, and boy did you deliver. As enthusiasts we hopefully all love the cars we drive, but that doesn’t stop us from absolutely hating some aspects of our rides. My example was the annoying door chime in my Mercedes CLS; your answers ran the gamut from infotainment woes to mechanical issues and all sorts of other quirks. - Daniel Golson Read More