MDOT road crews began clearing away the remains of the Nine Mile Rd bridge from Wednesday's tanker truck explosion. Pretty quick, right? Not really. Want to see quick construction? Head to Shijiazhuang, China and see how quickly an intersection's built.
Shijiazhuang is the captial of Hebei Province and contains an ever growing population of 9.3 million people, 2.3 million of which live in the city center. The rapid urban growth that this once small, unknown village has seen in the past two decades has been helped by an extremely dedicated and quick workforce who's been responsible for this ever growing populace. Take a peak at the gallery of images below to see just how quickly this intersection is torn down and completely redeveloped. [via SkyScraperCity]
February 2009
Note the dirt pit at the bottom right hand corner of the image while looking through the gallery.
March 2009
Tearing out the old road? Meh, U.S. transportation authority can do that in a month's time.
April 2009
What's this? Two months in and there's already a structure up? Note the base of the building on the bottom right.
May 2009
It's quickly starting to look like something now.
June 2009
Bet you didn't notice this before now — There's a new lower section that allows travel underneath the intersection, necessitating the raised center.
July 2009
Five months and it's completed along with half of a new multi-storied building — Damn they're quick! But will it all last?