Michael Roselli
Michael Roselli is Jalopnik's Video Creative Director.

Does Orlove’s Bug really smell that bad?

What’s the deal with all that body roll?

So you can’t tell us what it is like to drive...but can you compare it to food? Is it better than clams casino? Read more

“Then his brain-OS crashes and he stands frozen, arms dangling uselessly, while he reboots.” Read more

The Focus RS looks like a really pissed off catfish. And if you have ever gone fishing for big catfish you know they put up one helluva fight.

Something like this deserves better than alphabet soup. Something like Pterodactyl Stomper.

The element of surprise can be critical to the global reception of new cars. These are the 10 cars nobody expected

That picture right there is why the rules that Tavarish blew off in the first paragraph are the all important first step of mastering any art. Roselli obviously knows what the rules are and when he can break them effectively. Read more

Not happy reading this. Those cops are some of the nicest and most accommodating cops that I have dealt with. Read more