Kurt Bradley
Sub-Par Photographer and Reasonably Quick Test Driver

Yes. I’m aware of both points. I still get to complain that there isn’t nearly enough space around it. Read more

Agreed. They crammed it into a tiny barn. Wish it had some space to show off again. Would have loved a wide shot. The old days allowed that, but climate conditions nearly destroyed the Saturn V out there. Read more

“It’ll have something the Tesla doesn’t have. Cars that actually meet production targets by having suppliers and factories who work well together.” Read more

You’ve got to be good at both. There are F1 teams that have two shooters, and one makes sure to get the drivers getting in and out of the car, but that same photographer will also get out on track during a session. Read more

Thank you! Those helmet shots always get my attention. I crave them. Especially with the halo coming next season. As for the MotoGP stuff, I love them because a car always has the same look in a corner. It’s flat. Bike riders need to manipulate their body and their bike a lot, so each corner can present a different Read more

TONS of practice, with high expectations each time I shoot. That is my focus. Read more

Thanks! Sometimes you have to be crazy quick to see a shot like this about to happen, and somehow pull it off. I think I had 2 seconds with this, and noticed it out the corner of my eye as I was walking through the paddock. Read more

The stripes and elevation changes help a lot. I wish I could consult the track in adding about a dozen more photo windows for my fellow pro shooters. There are some cool angles I’ve found, in shooting out there over 100 times, that could be better when you don’t have to shoot through a fence. Read more

Those never even get edited. A good shooter culls through every session, flags the ones they like (which might end up edited), and forgets about the rest. Bad shots? I don’t take bad shots. Nope. Never. Read more

As a Patriots fan, I don’t mind, but in this case it was the customer’s take on the classic Gulf livery. Read more

Except that one somewhere near Tijuana. We all assumed it was buried enough to never be found, but I still can’t remember the exact spot. Read more

I don’t have any before/after at my disposal, but I do freehand edit each shot in Lightroom. No Photoshop at all. Frankly each shot may get a different pass, but I do pull shadows back a tick, up highlights a hair, adjust contrast up ever so slightly, and tap the clarity a hair. That and I turn edits very quickly, as Read more

Nice. And thanks for liking that GT shot. Was a one in a million thing. Usually there’s little fuel spray from a car, and I was lucky to get that at night with a set of yellow GT class headlights coming up behind it. Read more

I’m usually shooting on a 1DX. It’s the workhorse I’m putting most of my shots through, since it got its shutter replaced a year ago. There are also the 1DX2 and 7D2 in the kit. As for glass, there’s quite an assortment, but they’re all L lenses, and CPS keeps all my gear in tip top shape. Read more

I was lucky to be in that spot in general, thank you very much! You’ll miss it too. Read more

Yeah, that Singer feature was something else. So fortunate to have made that all come together. Epic car. Read more

Nope. Natural light conditions only for me. I don’t even use photoshop. Read more