Seventy percent Americans think showering the rest of the world with tanks, ships, planes, radar and munitions makes…
Seventy percent Americans think showering the rest of the world with tanks, ships, planes, radar and munitions makes…
A year ago, then-Secretary of Defense James Mattis ordered America’s air forces to achieve what seemed like an…
A Texas-based beer company stirred up controversy earlier this month when it was revealed to have named a beer after…
In October 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis threatened to escalate into global thermonuclear war. The United States…
This week, the United States announced its intention to sell Taiwan a fleet of new F-16 fighter jets. The sale…
Late last week, America’s attention was successfully diverted from unsettling economic news by the latest shiny…
The A-10 Warthog—Cold War tank killer, terrorizer of the Taliban, ugly but fearsome duckling of American airpower,…
The sinking of the ammunition ship USS Serpens in January 1945 was the single deadliest day in the history of the…
North Korea has conducted a round of long range rocket tests designed to kick down the door and destroy ballistic…
The People’s Liberation Army—the official name of the Chinese Army—still rides yaks to patrol some of the country’s…
During the Democratic presidential debates this week, candidates wrestled with a particularly thorny national…
The Top Gun: Maverick trailer is here, and while there is such a thing as “suspension of disbelief” and “it’s just a…
The American government has given Turkey the boot, officially removing the country from the F-35 Lightning II…
This week, the internet is going crazy with talk of a mass People’s Invasion of Area 51. More than one million…
The U.S. Air Force and defense contractor Northrop Grumman have begun construction of the first B-21 Raider bomber.…
Researchers in China are looking to Mother Nature for inspiration to design the next generation of drones.…
The United States Navy has released its requirements for a new guided missile frigate, a low-end ship designed for…
President Donald Trump has long pined for tanks and fighter jets as part of a major holiday celebration, and this…
Most people can only dream of owning their own battleship, but thanks to eBay (of course!) you can now be the proud…
A U.S. Air Force KC-46 Pegasus tanker made an unorthodox and—to the uninitiated, anyway—dangerous-looking landing.…