Virgin Galactic's Space Ship Two, which was undergoing testing to be the first commercial tourism spacecraft, has…
Virgin Galactic's Space Ship Two, which was undergoing testing to be the first commercial tourism spacecraft, has…
A Beechcraft King Air 200 crashed into a building at Mid-Continent Airport in Wichita, Kansas. The crash killed at…
My dad had this photo for as long as I can remember. It appears to have been taken in Hawaii during Earhart’s first attempt to circle the world. At the time my father was the photographic officer and a seaplane pilot on the USS Minneapolis which was based in San Diego but easily could have put in at Pearl Harbor…
A 19-by-23 inch piece of aluminum found in 1991 has now been identified as a piece of Amelia Earhart's Lockheed…
Ever since I first flew on an E-Jet I couldn't help but think how great of a private jet it would make. Cheaper than a BBJ, larger and smoother than a typical private jet, 4,200 nm range, and able to land at many small airports. For the billionaire on a budget, this would be my first choice. Read more
No crime committed, but the airline should charge him for all expenses involved. The only way to stop this. Show the stupid on national television and tell the world he's bankrupt, needs to pay hundred thousands in restitution, and he's life is a complete pain in the ass. Read more
When shit like this happens, the terrorists win. Seriously, even if it was Osama Bin Laden, risen from the dead, running a hot spot, what could he do? Try to share malware with you if you connect? Read more
As a pilot, I find humor in this. It makes me wonder ... What if I named my wireless hotspot "The Pilots Are Drunk"? Would they transfer all of us? Read more
This is one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't scenarios, it has to be investigated. 17 hours seems awfully excessive though. Read more
I think getting rid of windows would be a good idea. But instead of plastering the entire interior with OLED panels, just have 'virtual windows' that can be turned off or on. Read more
The other good / bad thing about the OLED system would be that they could forever make people think that there was something outside...
Have you ever flown? Being stuck in a tube filled with strangers for hours on end is not an enjoyable proposition for most people. Being able to see a bit of the outside world helps alleviate these concerns. Read more
A close family member of mine recently retired from an aviation career, the last decade in business jet sales. He said 100% of their focus group for this product (tested almost 10 years ago in secret) suffered from moderate to severe dizziness and airsickness. You just can't replace the feeling of looking out real… Read more
I would much rather opt for planes with EXTRA LARGE WINDOWS. I hate those tiny little port holes. Read more
The FAA will never go for this. In any sort of emergency, if the passengers need to exit the aircraft quickly, the passengers must be able to see outside the plane, assess the situation, and make appropriate decisions. Some airlines even ask pax to raise the window shades so they can see out of the plane during… Read more
I have no plans on holding my phone up to the window for an entire flight anytime soon, but I don't disagree that this is awesome. Read more