Paul Thompson
flyingphotog now ex-wife who works for a Alaska out of Seattle, hooked up with not only pilots, but her “inflight boyfriends” as well—customers. “Larissa,” would come home from layovers (Florida, Hawaii, Mexico) and the proof was all over her face, clothes, etc. She thought everyone at her job loved her...Well, I Read more

A star for you just for popping in. Read more

That explains things. It is a shitty thing to do though. Some people just read the headline, and they'd assume that flying Southwest was unsafe, when the truth of the matter is that Southwest self-reported this issue and took steps to fix it as soon as they discovered the problem. Read more

What the story is: oops, Southwest missed an inspection and are getting right on it, but there is nothing to worry about really. Read more

My maternal grandfather flew the crap out of those things back in the day in 1943-44. He would probably have clubbed baby seals for an opportunity to fly one while not carrying tons of bombs or getting shot at or with flak damage. I'm sorry they replaced you here at Flight Club. The new writer is um... idk. If you are Read more

Here in CT at the New England Air Museum, Jack's Hack is a B-29A that underwent an amazing resto for display. I got a good look inside, front to back, and the quality of the work is amazing. I bet that plane would be a great candidate for a restoration to airworthiness if the money was available.

The engines can stall as well. The airflow into the engine can be disrupted to a point that will cause the compressor to stall, causing damage to the engine. Read more

"Do they know my job title and use it properly?"

No, but I'm not coming into your workplace and demanding your services. If it did, then you can bet that I would.

And of course, as such an experienced flyer, sir, you'd know that all of the things you're complaining about are legally mandated by the FAA and not actually Read more

Many Asian airlines don't have to adhere to age discrimination laws, so they can bring in new, young talent on a regular basis. A rotating staff also allows them to keep payroll costs low while unionized flight attendants earn tenure and can't be fired when they no longer rock the skirt. Read more

That they claim to do this to "address future pilot shortages" is outrageous BS. Read more

Glad this had a good outcome. Kudos to the crew for thinking quick and getting out. Read more

Wow. I thought this would be merely interesting. But those shots of airplanes landing in the snow in slow motion, topped by that last shot of that Swiss A340 (I think) were spectacular. And, in this case, because the music didn't suck, it actually added to experience. I found this whole thing oddly soothing. Going to Read more

"The aviation industry has been looking at the potential for single-pilot operations for quite some time to address concerns about future pilot shortages..." Read more

I've worked in military and airline aviation, and in industrial automation, for many decades now. Automation is only as reliable and capable as the human designers and programmers make it, and thus automation will never eliminate human failure. It does tend to greatly reduce the ability of a system to compensate for Read more