A study in Japan over a period of fourteen months has shown that a system designed to run heating and cooling…
A study in Japan over a period of fourteen months has shown that a system designed to run heating and cooling…
We've never seen Tony Arzenta, a 1973 hitman actioner from Duccio Tessari starring Alain Delon in the titular role,…
Electric scooter manufacturer Vertrix is working up a fuel-cell powered machine that'll run 155 miles on a tank of…
Mental_floss explores the automobile as metaphor, aligning the Edsel with failure, the Pinto with volatility, the…
Wherein the most quietly manly of the Top Gear trio hops in a Ford SportKa with a top-flight navigation system and…
Autoblog Frank notes that actions by Florida Gov. Charlie Crist indicate that the nation's exceptionally peninsular…
Police divers on the Georges River in Sydney have taken a break after recovering 36 cars dumped in the waterway. New…
When I was twenty, I studied in Germany. Bonn, to be exact. I had a friend there named Kai who loved techno and had…
You can grumble and moan that it's only got ninety horsepower, but that doesn't stop the Volvo Bandvagn 202 from…
We shamelessly loved last year's Cars, and while it wasn't Pixar's most commercially-successful venture, there was…
We love to sing along while driving, we admit it. We also enjoy partaking in the proletarian art of karaoke now and…
Here at tha Jalop, we greatly admire the mad skills of Russ Swift, a man who may well be the United Kingdom's…
The best thing about two-stroke Saab rally cars, besides the Scandanavian dung-beetle styling, is that they sound…
Now here's a place where a dork could get lost for hours. It's a goldmine of blueprint-type drawings of all manner…
As Henry Rollins famously said, "I've been to England fifteen times and never liked it once!" We have to say we've…