Black is now QZR and Silver is MTXV. White is now called Black and Blue is now called 4. Read more
M4 Coupe, Manual: 3,530 pounds Read more
I only hit one median! Read more
What sort of buyer buys an M4 over an M3? Please include pictures. Here are my theories:
Why does the M car with fewer doors have name with a bigger number and the model with more doors have a name with a lower number? Read more
do you think you will like it Read more
Top Gear itself was just a normal car show back then, not it’s a global phenomenon thanks to the three presenters. No other team can keep it that way, especially now when they have to be politically correct all the time.
It was fun while it lasted, can’t wait to see what the trio comes up with next. Read more
Holy shit — the Yarp guy is the Hound! How have I been so blind? Read more
Bill Caswell loves the DiRT franchise, but the previous rally games have always seemed a little too arcadey to him.…
I had a '72, which I bought from my father in 1980. Seems like a long time ago. The brakes on that were scary (small drums on all four corners). Still, it took a beating and I always got everyone home safe during the high school/college drinking years.
Wow. I walked my dog past this thing in my Carlsbad neighbourhood for several months. It just sat on the street and moved maybe once or twice. The guy that I think owned it has a couple e30s and seems to have a lot going on in the garage. I remember this thing having IL plates though. Think it came in from out of… Read more
Ah yes, the Scout Superleggera. Here's one with the full Stage 3 treatment.
But did it land? Read more