Bill Caswell

Wow this is awesome! So ridiculous. How many gallons did they throw at the windshield? Isn’t water like 7lbs a gallon? They always say that if you dive into water at a fast enough speed, you’ll hit it like concrete. Wild that it smashed the windshield. A super soaker water gun with alcohol and windex would have worked Read more

Remember when Jalopnik wrote about cars? I miss that car website that was written by car people for car people. Read more

Yeah. true. But I still crack the throttle wide open here and there. electric is just different. It rips away from you so fast. The first time I drove an electric race car I was like is that the tires breaking free??? And after a few stabs I was like huh. Thats the tires... Its just different. Read more

I assume your experience is with gas cars? High performance EV’s are weird. They do their best to map the throttle to mimic how a regular car work,s but its not intuitive if youre used to a combustion which produces different amounts of power at different RPMs. Read more

Why dont we have rolling restaurants? Like I order a cheeseburger and a mechanical arm comes out the side off the bus and hands it to me through my sunroof? Read more

Bro! Those giant trucks that look like RC cars but cost one million dollars! Vegas to Reno is our Baja 1000 in a way. Meaning its a point to point race from (obviously) Las Vegas to Reno. Well maybe they stop in Carson City Neveda, but its 514 miles and the longest off road race in the US. The top trucks will do it in Read more

WELCOME TO SHED CITY! Take a look at the laws on sheds and stuff. You can ones that will hold a car each. And scatter them around your property. But here’s the best part. Take pictures of all the cars before you move them and blow them up supersized and wrap the sheds. So when you come down the street it looks like Read more

Im surprised Weathertech doesn't make plastic versions of these for like every car on the planet now.  Read more

What’s the fastest car you’ve ever driven? Or the car with the most horsepower? I have yet to say I don’t want anymore. That I’ve had enough. Seriously. It’s like sex, or chocolate, or an all you can eat buffet. There is no point in stopping at enough. More is always better. 11. Read more

The NSX may be a good car, but how many $150k cars are really bought by drivers? I think it’s too much work to explain what the hell it is every time you show up at dinner. Much easier for the divorced LA dude to walk in and have his friends say “Nice 911.” Read more

That one doesn’t count. No mater how much Spinelli wants it to... Read more

Fusion isn’t on Comcast? That’s what I have in Chicago and LA. You need to get this streaming or were all going to miss it. Read more

“We look to the 1990s as a time of modern comforts coupled with impressive performance and experimental technology.” Read more

My Baja Pig is an inline 3.0ltr six. Meant maybe I should start with something that started life with a V8. Like a Corvette. But yeah V8 Corvette is the same thing. Read more

I love that series. I have signed originals of most of his books. Actually when The Last Open Road came out I went to hear Burt speak at the Oak Park library. It was great. It was room of 70 year olds and me, one car guy. I enjoyed the talk and had a ton of questions and he hung around and answered them all. Also Read more

Mine would be a picture of a sawzall and a BMW with no roof in the background! Read more

Ok that one I forget. So true. Its an excellent read and if you don’t know the story you should buy that book right now. I guess I’ve heard it so many times. The Grand Tour covered it with the Ford GT and then Top Gear did the same thing. I sort of know it so well I forgot about the book. But it is good and you should Read more

I never really got into Smokey. Seriously. I know he’s right up there with them but this was originally a list of my favorite car books and the title got changed slightly. With “Definitive” in there, Smokey should have been on the list a long with a few others. Read more