I think you're on to something here. Yes the idiot in the car should have not been there that is a granted and should be prosecuted for it. Especially if he was a DOT employee abusing his access to the bike lane for his own commuter lane. But the bicyclist did start moving over on the driver. There is definitely blame… Read more
One of my early cars was an 88 Cougar XR-7:
"Happier than a ternado in a trailer park! Yeeeaa Hawww!"
It doesn't matter what laws we initially program them with but, we know what it will evolve into...
Try this site. http://www.grillparts.com/ I've purchased a few times from them to extend the life of my 3-burner BBQ. If your grill doesn't have them and they are available, I do recommend the cast iron burners. Read more