Max Finkel
Max Finkel was a Weekend Contributor at Jalopnik.

The concern about “metal fatigue” has actually been addressed as well... most of the fleet currently flying has had all the spars and structural components inspected and replaced on a regular basis. They can keep doing that forever, at least as long as bauxite and beer cans exist. Read more

Back during the 1970's most US automakers chose not to sell vehicles directly to Israel because of Arab-Israeli tensions. If they sold to Israels, the Arab nations would ban importation of their products. So, private importers traveled to Europe or the US to buy cars and import them privately. Read more

My last flight in a Chinook involved a slingloaded Uparmored HUMMVEE and incoming fire in Afghanistan. Read more


Americans are going to in for a rude awakening when much of the developed world will have the virus under relative control, and start opening back up again to each other, but American passport holders will still be banned. Read more

Glad to hear you’re back and fine.
i was stuck in Argentina (Rosario) for about 2 months. I’ve befriended a guy who worked at the plant i was auditing and he let me stay at his place since the hotel i was basically kicked me out after quarantine was declared.
eventually tried to cross the border to Brazil by car since Read more

Definitely great insight as to how there’s such a disparity in how the airport procedures vary from country to country. We’re basically living in the same scenario as the movie Contagion but I guess between politics, furloughs, and budgets, I don't forsee our US airports being the gold standard for minimal covid Read more

So, what I’m getting from this is, “It’s okay, because they were following orders.” Read more

If police can destroy private property because it could be used as a weapon, then they can destroy pretty much anything they want. Th argument is absurd on its face. Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers. Read more

The fact that it’s even possible Stephenson was considering a super-wide rear hatch (notice how skinny the taillights have to be?), plus the split tailgate, all on this brief flight while sketching, is a lot to appreciate. I wonder if it’s institutional knowledge of wagon design, or just staring at a Land Rover, or Read more

I would totally buy Jalopzine. Even if it was just 2-4 issues a year, it would be a way to do some content that doesn’t fit the online kinja format. Read more

Look at Big Brain Bradley here reading two books at once Read more

My issue of Sedan Zine #1 just showed up today, so I guess it’s time for me to go all in on car zines in 2020.

Jalopnik should do a car zine feature. There have to be a lot of zines out there that could use a signal boost.
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