Let's Find This Dying Teen a '72 Chevelle

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Making vast, sweeping generalizations about wildly diverse groups of people is rarely a good idea, but I'm going to do it anyway: gearheads are good people. Sure, car people can be clickish, argumentative, stubborn, and pedantic, but every time we've reported on or put a call out to our readers to help someone in need, they've come through with genuine grace and generosity. I'm hoping we can do it again.

This one seems very achievable, too. Denver-area resident Austin Williams is 16, and has rhabdomyosarcoma — a rare cancer of skeletal muscle cells. Recently, the tumors have spread to Austin's lymph nodes and a handful of bones. The awful truth is things don't look good at all.


Austin's family is preparing for the worst, but Austin's not gone yet, and he's determined to get his driver's license (he just recently passed his learners' permit test) and use that license to drive his dream car, a 1972 Chevrolet Chevelle.


Not only does Austin have excellent taste in early 70s muscle cars, but he was wise enough to wish for a very accessible dream car. The family has set up a site to accept donations for Austin's Chevelle, but has yet to find a car.


That's where we come in. I'm fairly positive someone reading this knows where to find a decent '72 Chevelle, or maybe even has one of their own. If you don't have one you want to part with, I bet even just the chance to drive one for a little bit would go a long way to make this kid very, very happy.

So, to all Jalops around Colorado: let's keep our eyes open for a good '72 Chevelle. Perhaps generous Chevelle owners could take turns giving Austin a bit of safe driving practice in your fine automobiles? Perhaps we could see to it his driver's license test is taken in Chevelle style?


I don't know, but I bet collectively we can figure out something to help Austin. Miracles are unlikely, but it's hard to picture better medicine than the throaty rumble of a V8.

Here's hoping for the best for Austin, and hoping some generous Chevelle owners may be in positions to help.


(Thanks, Dustin!)