Every year, cars are killed off for one reason or another. However, they aren’t always the cars we want to see dead. Unfortunately, more times than not, the cars that die are the ones we actually like. That’s too bad, because a lot of cars deserve to die. That’s what led us to ask the question last week: What car would you like to see fall off the face of the Earth?
We wanted to know what cars you hope will die by the end of 2024. Sometimes cars just overstay their welcome and deserve a better replacement. That’s the way of things, the way of innovation. This was your chance to get off your chest cars you just wish weren’t around anymore. I hope it was cathartic for those of you who participated.
We’ve got a lot of varied answers here, from brand new stuff like the Tesla Cybertruck, to old-ass vehicles to cars you think are ugly and entire segments of vehicles. I love this amount of hatred. It reminds me of why I got into the business of being a hater.
Anyway, why don’t we all take a look at some of the cars your fellow Jalops hope are dead by the next time we’re all saying “Happy New Year” again?