Jalopnik Has A Twitch Channel, And We'll Be Streaming Every Thursday Afternoon!

Streams for people who still don't know what a poggers is, but will wax ecstatic about the Honda Motocompo.

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Gif: Steve DaSilva

Greetings! I’m coming to you on this frigid, gray morning somewhere in frigid, gray Pennsylvania, where the ice has formed a sleeve around tree branches like those weird condom things you put on a Wii Remote, to tell you that next week Jalopnik will be playing video games with cars in them live for your viewing pleasure. Yes, we’re going Twitch streaming.

Every Thursday, beginning Mar. 3, at 4 to 6 p.m. ET, Jalopnik’s purveyor of Bring a Trailer’s worst deals Steve DaSilva and myself will be coming to you live from twitch.tv/jalopnikdotcom playing something — with live pictures of our faces for good measure.


Maybe it’ll be me miserably failing to break Steve’s Drift Zone scores in Forza Horizon 5; maybe it’ll be vehicular carnage a-la Wreckfest; maybe I’ll dig up a terrible 20-year-old game nobody remembers. Most likely, it’ll involve us bickering over arbitrary and dumb subjects, like how some people believe that every time Chrysler switched Viper coating suppliers it heralded a new generation. We strongly disagree on that topic by the way, and you can expect it to be a well we regularly return to long after everyone’s grown tired of it.


Chances are it’ll feature Gran Turismo 7, because we’ll be able to stream the game in time for our debut next week! How’s that for timing?


But this channel won’t just be for us. While it’ll start with Steve and I devaluing the Jalopnik brand, our colleagues will use it for all their weird, wonderful and enlightening content. We envision our Twitch as a place for shooting the shit, live interviews, on-the-ground race day footage, a constant feed of the camera Steve tells me he’s rigged to record his 3D printer for some reason, and more. That’s why it’s called “jalopnikdotcom” and not, say, “jalopnikplays.” Well, that and because somebody is squatting on the “jalopnik” handle and we don’t have the financial resources to convince them to stop.

So please give us a follow if you’d be so kind, and drop in for our very first stream next Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. ET, and every following Thursday at twitch.tv/jalopnikdotcom. We can’t promise much, but we can promise it will be loud and cars will be at least tangentially involved.