A UK man with some strangely ill-informed, foul-mouthed, and judgmental friends took a leisurely seven years to drive his Kia 100,000 km (62,000 miles), and celebrated the occasion by posting the event on YouTube, where he gleefully, joyfully, and lavishly loses his shit.
The proud Kia-owner/operator recounts how when he bought his Kia seven years ago, people around him called him a “fucking idiot,” for buying a Kia, and possibly expressed doubt that the popular South Korean-made car could make it to stay together for 100,000 km.
I can’t think of any brand of car made in the last seven years that would have much trouble making 62,000 miles, but maybe our man here hangs out with a bunch of cranky wet blankets that haven’t bought a car since they had a bad experience with a 1973 Austin Allegro.
Anyway, the Kia owner is delighted, absolutely delighted at watching that odometer flip to 100,000, and offers this sage bit of advice for all those who didn’t believe his achievement was possible:
There’s something so satisfying about hearing someone so completely delighted like this.