There's so many big questions to be answered in the automotive world. As a result, all too often the truly inane and trivial ones get overlooked. I'm hoping to correct that today, by posing question that's been haunting our community for far too long: what car would be what snack, if cars were snacks?
For example, I'd think a car like a Viper TA would be a fist-sized wad of beef jerky. No, that'd be a Hellcat. The Viper would be a long strip of beef jerky rolled in ground peanuts. A GT-R would be a wasabi-flavored prawn chip, maybe. A Chevy Malibu would be a pile of unsalted, baked potato chips.
So, now I implore you to take this snackatunity to tell us what cars would be what snack, were cars snacks. I know you've been thinking about it, so here's your chance.