We've just heard the Tomahawk-riding former-Chrysler-and-VW exec, Wolfgang Bernhard, has just been hired back by…
According to the Detroit News Wolfgang Bernhard's about to become the Chrysler chairman. People "familiar with…
Since joining the Cerberus team to help "advise" them on an acquisition bid for the Chrysler Group, everyone's…
DaimlerChrysler confirmed today it would no longer be known as the German-American hybrid as they've now confirmed…
Looks like Dr. Z.'s favorite scion is back in the action, as the Financial Times is reporting Wolfgang Bernhard,…
Reports are coming in Wolfgang Bernhard was just told he's no longer allowed to be representin' Deutschland and…
Shock of shocks! After being passed over for the HMIC/Lord of All He Surveys at Volkswagen in favor of Herr Doktor…
The Peet that's Sweet and Fun to Eat has chimed in on the "Joe Eberhardt is a pox on Chrysler...or is he?" debate,…
The man who along with your host, Dieter, was credited with Chrysler Group's dramatic turnaround is goin' straight…
The self-styled sage of Detroit, Sweet Peet D., weighs in with his top twelve stories to watch for 2006. We've…
With German unemployment at an all-time high, Wolfgang Bernhard's got a tough road ahead of him. Why, one might ask?…