An off-ramp highway road sign came crashing down on top of a moving car on the Tullamarine Freeway near Melbourne,…
The Utah Department of Transportation has devised a punny way of getting people to talk about road safety and cell…
In case you got lost on the way to Sea World in San Diego over the weekend, now you know that the theme park is on…
Sign hackers, there's someone out there who has now drawn a penis in a dot matrix display. It's time to up your game.
"Hey hey hey, smoke weed everyday." These are words of wisdom that have been declared for decades by cultural and…
Oh, Florida. What are we going to do with you? While you've been relatively quiet this year compared to the bath…
It’s a volcano! 20,827-ft Parinacota on the border of Chile and Bolivia, to be specific. Seen any hyper-explicit,…
When is it okay to spoil a movie? When does trolling become art? One artist asked these questions by spoiling the…
Road signs — they're everywhere. They tell us where to go and where we are. Their helpful displays of numbers,…
The killing of black Florida teenager Trayvon Martin has sparked a weird kind of racial spasm that's resulted in terr…
Commuters in suburban Washington, DC, are the latest victims of electronic road sign hacking: Drivers approaching a…
Spotted near that ultimate source of Christmas cheer, Washington DC, by reader Bailey, this hacked road sign…
We have repeatedly warned you not to hack electronic road signs. Now some free-spirited Portland, Ore., natives have…
Fans of Jalopnik and Bill Caswell, our indomitable Hollywood-bound $500 Craigslist rally car driver, decided yet…
Two-and-a-half years ago we published a handy guide on how to hack an electronic road sign. Since then, America has…
How do you furnish your shack made of road signs? Furniture made from the same. This short orange shelf would look…
In parts of the world where you can get paid for collecting scrap metal, road signs are major targets of theft, but…
This video from Russia (skip ahead ten seconds) shows just how ambivalent drivers to road signs. So much so that a…
We're running out of ways to tell you NOT to hack electronic road signs, but after some recent unpleasantness we're…