This is The Morning Shift, our one-stop daily roundup of all the auto news that's actually important — all in one…
Malcolm Tipping Point Gladwell, agrees with our assessment that, when it comes to "auto making," ex'ed-by-the-Obama-a…
Ex-GM CEO Rick Wagoner moves from one failing U.S. industry to another. [WashPost via Romanesko]
On what the Chooch-enthusiast Car Czar learned after spending time with automakers. Apparently, looking like Abraham…
During bankruptcy testimony earlier today, GM CEO Fritz Henderson confirmed initial reports that former CEO Rick…
A naked and unshaven Rick Wagoner appeared today in a globe of light outside GM's Detroit RenCen HQ claiming Fritz…
Those of you feeling bad for former GM CEO Rick Wagoner, who was deposed of at the White House's behest, may cheer…
An Obama senior administration official explained to us on background Fritz Henderson will take the reins as interim…
The NY Times is reporting GM CEO Rick Wagoner is resigning at President Obama's behest one day before unveiling his…
GM's Rick Wagoner: bankruptcy would cause "liquidation." [AP]
GM CEO Rick Wagoner gets his priorities straight, using today's press conference to explain why COO Fritz Henderson…
On CNBC this morning, GM product czar "Maximum" Bob Lutz said GM CEO Rick Wagoner is "without doubt the best CEO…
You may have seen Sen. Chris Dodd on "Meet The Press" this weekend tell Tom Brokaw GM CEO Rick Wagoner "has to move…
A bailout bridge loan plan for the not-so-Big Three drawing emergency aid from an existing pool of $25 billion for…
We appreciate the exuberance of the good people over at GM-Volt regarding the 2011 Chevy Volt. In the midst of the Ca…
With all this talk of corporate jets, slumming it on road trips and idling hybrids, it’s easy to lose track of the…
...stop friggin' nodding! I know you're excited RIck said something smart, but fercrissakes some of us are trying to…