The iconic bridge spanning Detroit’s East Grand Boulevard, connecting two parts of the old Packard plant and bearing…
Despite being in ruins, piled with trash and possibly sitting atop decades of chemical waste, the Packard Plant…
Fernando Palazuelo is the next Detroit media savior in a local media landscape that has too much of a savior complex.…
There was a bit of concern last month when Fernando Palazuelo, the new owner of the dilapidated Packard Plant, hadn't…
With all this goodwill surrounding Detroit lately, it's time to check in with the dilapidated Packard Plant,…
A few months ago, Peruvian developer Fernando Palazuelo won the dilapidated old Packard Plant in an insaneWayne…
I'll never understand the fascination with making documentaries in Detroit's abandoned structures instead of fixing…
Could it be that Fernando Palazuelo, the third-place bidder on the ruined Packard Plant who ended up winning after a…
An ill-prepared Texas doctor and a shady Illinois businessman will not own the Packard Plant. A Peru-via-Spain…
It's still not looking promising for Bill Hults, who missed his first deadline to purchase the Packard Plant when he…
If you're learning way more about property auctions than you ever needed to know by reading all of the recent Packard…
Mark Day remarks to the Board: "What is it that fixes the potential of the asset, so that it can put additional…
This Texas woman might be batshit crazy, but Wayne County isn't. The county treasurer's office has canceled the sale of the Packard Plant to her "team of investors" and is now in talks with second- and third-place bidders. Including Bill Hults.
You know how you prematurely get your hopes up for something and it all just falls to shit in a spectacular way?…
What was once worth a measly $21,000 a few days ago just sold on the auction block for more than $6 million. The…
Layers of asbestos and the risk of severe head trauma from falling chunks of concrete be damned, gawkers from all…
Uh-oh, the Illinois developer who told (tricked?) the media about his plans to redevelop the Packard Plant is now…
The Detroit News reports that the Packard Plant site is going to be auctioned off by Wayne County as a potential…
It's completely far-fetched and has a snowball's chance of materializing, but a Chicago developer is apparently…
Have you ever wanted to possess your very own symbol of American decay? Something that says "we used to build a lot…