Electric vehicle batteries are a problematic business: About half of the carbon generated by building the whole car…
You know those Final Destination movies? Those movies revolve around these absurdly improbable and convoluted Rube…
Yesterday we saw the first videos of a fatal crash of a Tesla Model S in downtown Indianapolis. We had read reports…
Ford and Samsung showed off a prototype for a lithium-ion battery that could finally spell the death of ye ol' lead…
Porsche recently announced it would offer a thirteen-pound lithium-ion starter battery for select models. The…
Toshiba has improved it's Super Charge Ion Battery technology to the point where a 90 second recharge is possible.…
Rumor has it Nissan is developing a lithium-ion battery-equipped, luxury hybrid sedan based on the Infiniti M…
Vying for the "psychological advantage," Toyota plans to bring out a plug-in hybrid before GM can release the Chevy…
Hybrid Technologies, makers of electric Minis and the Mullen Motor GT, are working on a lithium-ion/gas plug-in…
Nissan has announced a strategic partnership with tech giant NEC for a lithium ion battery factory in Kanagawa…
Sure, lithium-ion batteries are all the rage with consumer electronics and are slowly making inroads with carmakers.…
Rick Wagoner, GM Chairman and Just For Men model, was on hand in Geneva to announce the second generation of GM's…
One of the major costs associated with hybrid vehicles is the Lithium-Ion battery pack that powers the electric…
The General's awarded two contracts for development of lithium-ion batteries for its electric drive "E-Flex…
Coolness arbiters at Animal New York may be spit-taking their PBR milkshakes right now, but the deal to bring…
Earlier this year, Mitsubishi announced it would build an electric car — using a system of lithium-ion batteries…