Sudden and mysterious reports of car key fobs and garage door openers not working started back in late April in a…
On May 13, in South Carolina, the AP reports that a prison inmate, out for a hospital visit, attempted to escape by…
Brilliant Hong Kong electronics maker Brando has come up with a new gadget for the spying car guy, a fake key fob…
A Cambridge, Ontario man has managed to injure himself in a most unusual way: with his remote starter. The…
Delphi, makers of all kinds of vehicle electronic gadgetry, will become the first manufacturer to use what is being…
Ever wonder how all the remote openers in the world don't set each other off on a regular basis? It all has to do…
GM's New Key Fob Goes Both Ways: Two-Way Communicator Shows Tire Pressure, Fuel Level, Radio Presets
Through the marvel of two-way radio frequency communication, the General's now got a brand new toy coming your…
Despite the fact that we know there's only so many signals our key fobs can use to transmit codes to our car for… created car keys, and the automotive gods looked down and saw it was simple and it was good.…
In some circles a "Bulgarian key fob" is probably a perverse double entendre, in others, it's merely a key fob that…