The high school in the Japanese coastal town of Rikuzentakata was completely destroyed following the tsunami of 2011,…
Recently, Russian custom officials prevented 300 Japanese cars from entering the country because they were believed…
Aftershocks from Japan's 2011 earthquake continue. Today, Russian customs officials stopped nearly 300 Japanese cars …
A Harley-Davidson that was swept out to sea during the Japanese earthquake and tsunami last March and then discovered…
A Canadian beachcomber made an unexpected find along British Columbia's Pacific Coast on April 18. Debris from Japan'…
These images, snapped inside the exclusion zone surrounding the Fukushima Nuclear Power plant nine months after the…
No longer able to sell and ship many used cars to Russia, South America, Australia and the U.S. due to their high…
After warning that it would take all of 2011 to restore output following the Japanese quake and tsunami, Toyota says…
Japan's recent earthquake caused massive destruction in the northern city of Sendai, which happened to be the home…
Toyota's U.S. sales chief has told dealers that it could run short of key models this summer, thanks to the factory…
A 7.4-magnitude aftershock struck offshore Japan moments ago, causing the country's meteorological agency to issue a…
Daft Punk's auctioning off the 1987 Ferrari 412 from their "Electroma" video for the Red Cross Japanese Disaster…
We've seen a lot of scary videos of this month's deadly Japanese earthquake and tsunami — but nothing like this.…
Japan's world-class transportation infrastructure couldn't withstand this month's 9.0-magnitutde quake, but their…
Toyota's U.S. manufacturing arm is preparing for a possible shutdown because of parts shortages from Japan, a Toyota…
Boric acid works as a "neutron poison"and is used to prevent fission in nuclear reactors, which means Japan needs…
A Delta Airlines pilot on his first flight over the Pacific had to declare an emergency to land a 767 following the…
One survivor of Japan's tsunami was able to capture the moment the wave hit his car and knocked it off the road.…
As Japan struggles to control the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, radiation has made the work dangerous to workers…