The killing of black Florida teenager Trayvon Martin has sparked a weird kind of racial spasm that's resulted in terr…
We told you not to hack electronic road signs. Now you also shouldn't hack electronic crosswalk indicators to make…
Get to work on time? Not if you just sit there reading hacked road signs. Pay attention to the road! [CollegeHumor]
A Pennsylvania DOT sign warned drivers of potential hazards on Tuesday. Clever hackers or unusually informative…
Pranksters in Wisconsin once again ignored our continuous and fervent requests to not hack road signs. This time…
CNN's Jeanne Moos properly quotes Jalopnik as experts on not hacking road signs in a story today about the "No…
Someone in the Miami, Florida area decided to use our instructions for hacking road signs to send the message "No…
We've told you over and over again not to hack electronic road signs for comedic purposes, but some Australians have…
We didn't tell you specifically not to hack traffic signs to say "New York Is Dying." Are you going to make us spell…
We specifically asked you not to write "the British are coming" on road signs, but a few misfits in Lubbock, Texas di…
Washington State's Department of Transportation wants people to stop monkeying with their road signs. Haven't we…
Who is this "Jay Wert" you speak of? [KIRO TV]
The "how to hack road signs" story's become a bit of a meme, with Jalopnik sitting at the center of the…
Wolf Blitzer thinks he'd be nervous if he saw hacked road signs saying "Zombies Ahead!" Ha! Imagine how nervous he'd…
We told you guys not to hack electronic road signs to say "Jalopnik Rules." But you went ahead and did it anyway.…
Since we first showed you the "How To Hack An Electronic Road Sign" guide, the proliferation of hacked signs has…
DO NOT under any circumstances run around hacking into electronic road signs using the information contained in this…