How To Hilariously Hack An Electronic Crosswalk Sign

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We told you not to hack electronic road signs. Now you also shouldn't hack electronic crosswalk indicators to make them send hilarious images of a single-fingered salute to pedestrians using a simple hack suggested by the Spokane Streets Department.

The image above of a one-finger salute in front of a bridge in Spokane, Washington's amusing, but permanently damaging a piece of public property is bad. However, it appears this isn't a permanent condition. It's just snow packed into the grate that covers the light. Unlike older models, new signals equipped with LED lights won't melt the snow away. It's an amusing oversight.


A spokesperson for the city says they consider this "unintentional," but we're not convinced. Perhaps, someone out there can confirm this occurs in other snowy climates?

(Hat tip to Joe!) [KXLY]