These days, you can't even fake a bike crash without it being caught on camera
Want to know if the government is really tracking you? If you find one of these tucked underneath your car, you can…
Big Brother is watching a fleet of London-owned Prii outfitted with a special black box that combines GPS location…
The surveillance state of Britain is becoming more and more unbelievable as The Guardian is reporting a number-plate…
In an effort to drive both taxpayer groups and paranoid Libertarians nuts at the same time, the Essex police are…
A few of the big insurance companies (Progressive, we're looking at you) have been experimenting with high-tech…
Union City, California; Lubbock, Texas; Nashville, Tennessee; Springfield, Missouri; Dallas, Texas and Chattanooga,…
Big Brother is watching you, and this time Big Brother is watching you watch reruns of Big Brother at the gym during…
The promise of wi-fi technology enabling an open transfer of data and ideas for the computer packing everyman is…
Some Aussie engineers have found that setting up a network of sensors in the urban driving environment and rigging…
Never let it be said that the Germans haven't done their part for literacy. Besides providing the world with the…
Goddammit. We know there are idiots in this country who have no business reproducing. Sadly, this has always been…
When we were in San Francisco over the New Year, we noticed a Mini billboard on 80 eastbound just before the bridge…
Oh crap. Now they want to ban smoking in cars carrying kids in California. And smoking in state parks. Not that one…
A Canadian company is touting its RFID solution to vehicle tracking as superior to plate-reading cameras. Instead of…
The Feds have spoken: No exposure without disclosure. This week, the NHTSA gave automakers a green light to put…
We remember being young and riding in our friends' parents GMC Safari with cigarette smoke choking us in the…
We've been following the UK's march toward state-controlled motoring with empathetic semi-amusement. With every new…
Dr. Raja Sengupta of Cal has come up with a novel imminent-collision-awareness idea. First, we kill all the lawyers.…
And we thought This is Hertfordshire was un-hip. Some wily Stooges fan at the copy desk came up with the headline,…