When A Race Gets So Intense That You Don't Even Need To See

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Desert racing is insane: fact. Juggling the insanity of keeping your bucking bronco of a race truck moving forward while constantly having to wipe sand off your helmet takes it to another level.

Rally fans thought it was odd enough when Kris Meeke caught up to Citroën teammate Craig Breen’s car during this year’s Tour De Corse rally, but that was all fairly harmless tarmac stuff. Here’s where you really don’t want to catch traffic: in a desert race. All that sand kicked up means that your visibility is toast.


The upside (if there is one) is that the sand lets you know that your nemesis is still in front of you. When all that matters is getting around that guy’s truck, the fight is on regardless of whether you can see anything other than the other truck’s rooster tail of dirt.


Brett Sourapas manages this sandsplosion of a battle admirably, and I envy his apparent X-Ray vision that allows him to cut through the sand cloud.


[H/T Ken!]