What's Your Automotive New Year's Resolution?
2025 is almost upon us, what do you want to do with those 365 days?
Folks, get the Veuve chilled and your voiceboxes all warmed up for "Auld Lang Syne" — it's almost time for the new year. 2025 promises us plenty of good and plenty of bad, but it also promises us all a fresh start. A chance to do something new, or maybe something you've always wanted to do. We've all set New Year's resolutions, but so many of those are boring attempts at self improvement. Gym memberships, budget apps; these things don't spark joy. Cars, trucks, and motorcycles do, so today we're asking for your automotive New Year's resolutions.
My resolution for 2025 is to get back out on track on a motorcycle. Maybe it's all the MotoGP reruns I've been watching recently, or the MotoGP video game that keeps making my hands hurt from managing the shockingly well-modeled effects of weight transfer and body english, but I've become enraptured by getting knee down on a bike. I need to go fast, under controlled circumstances.
Not on my GS of course, I did enough of that learning the ropes at Champ School, but something better-prepared for leaned-over corners and hunched-over body positioning. I've recently become gixxerpilled, and I expect that to play a part in this new need for speed. The upright yet fully-faired GSX-8R, it calls to me.
That's my 2025 automotive resolution, get some track time on two wheels. What's yours? Leave your answers below, and I'll pick out my favorites later in the week.