What's The Best-Sounding Car Of All Time?

Everyone loves a good engine note. What's your favorite?

Sound is a big deal when it comes to cars – especially now that more and more EVs are hitting the road without any sort of engine note. It means we're even more focused on how good a car sounds because pretty soon, they're all going to be electric and silent. That's what led me to today's question.

I want to know what you think the best-sounding car of all time is. What car makes such a fantastic noise that your blood immediately gets pumping as it drives by? There are literally thousands of options to choose from and don't think it has to be some sort of high-revving V10 or V12. Maybe the warble of a Volkswagen VR6 is your favorite, or maybe you're sort of weird and the thrum of Subaru's flat-four motor gets you going. I'm not here to tell you what you're supposed to like.

I don't care when the car was built. It just needs to be something produced after the Benz Patent-Motorwagen to the present day. Anything from huge displacement motors like the Beast of Turin and 1960s American muscle cars to high-revving Ferrari V12s and Japanese tuner motors. The world is your oyster, folks.

Anyway, that's enough yapping out of me. Why don't you drop down below and let your fellow Jalops know what you think is the best-sounding car of all time?

