What Car Would You Build If There Were No Safety Requirements?

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Big automaker companies are limited in what kinds of cars they build by national regulations for safety and cleanliness. And you, even you, are limited too.

State inspections prevent you from driving around without a horn and also from driving around with a mesh of live birds instead of doors.

Inspections vary in intensity from state to state—Alabama requires an inspection when a car’s ownership changes, California requires you to sacrifice your youngest child every harvest moon then mail the collected blood to the DMV, and Alaska doesn’t require anything at all.


Wikipedia keeps a full collection here, though it does not cover even more stringent tests outside of the country, like in Germany or the UK.


If you were liberated from safety requirements entirely, what kind of modifications would you finally unleash on your own car, or what new car would you build from scratch?


(Hat tip to McMike!)


Photo Credit: AP

Contact the author at raphael@jalopnik.com.