Think you can skimp on fire safety in your race car build? Think again.
This video, taken from a rally sprint (or rallycross) in Denmark, shows just how fast a fire can break out in a high-strung, stripped and caged race car.
Alex Westphalen posted the above video with the following caption. I’ve added a translation through Google.
Hope this video from the rally printed on Sunday can put things in perspective, how fast it goes and in terms of prioritization of safety in motorsport.
Both escaped relatively unscathed from the accident with burns on the feet, hands and face.
Personally I run with driving shoes, racing suit, gloves and helmet liner of fireproof fabric approved by the FIA.
Håber denne video fra rallysprintet i søndags kan sætte tingene lidt i perspektiv, hvor hurtigt det går og hvad angår prioritering af sikkerhed i motorsport.
Begge slap forholdsvis uskadt fra ulykken, med brændsår på fødder, hænder og i ansigtet.
Personligt kører jeg med køresko, køredragt, handsker og hjelmhue af brændsikkert stof godkendt af FIA.SIKKERHED FREM FOR ALT I AL MOTORSPORT.
Think about this next time you worry about where you’re going to stick that in-car fire extinguisher.
(Hat tip to Tim Maskus!)
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