Watch The Hennessey Ford GT Skedaddle To 267.6 MPH At The Texas Mile

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Down in Texas, we believe that a man has the God-given right to take his car and drive it as fast as he possibly can in a straight line. Law enforcement officials do not agree with this philosophy, so that's why there's the Texas Mile, the biannual festival of speed where people attempt to achieve insane speeds. And this last weekend, a Ford GT tuned by Hennessey Performance hit a new record there of 267.6 mph.

We covered the broken record this weekend, but now you can see what it looked like from a helicopter and from inside the car. Boy, I tell you what, that Ford GT there sure can skedaddle.


Hennessey has been using this particular Ford GT, which packs a twin-turbo V8 on 117 octane racing gas, to continually break the speed records at the Mile. God only knows how much faster they can get it to go.


Check out the video if you're curious what life is like at 267 mph.