Warning: This Video Will Make You Want An E30 BMW 3-Series

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If Bill Caswell, Frank Ocean, and Chinese Spider-Man can't convince you that you need to put a 1982-1994 BMW 3-Series in your life, then this video might just do it.

Our classic ad-providing friend reich967 recently uploaded what I assume to be a promotional video for the 1986 lineup of 3s. It's also one of the most wonderfully 80s-tastic things you'll ever witness.


Fire up the YouTube and immediately, you're treated to shots of a BMW race car and a power boat — not to mention some awesome Jan Hammer-esque synthesizer soundtrack. Then without warning, the fantastic computer graphics kick into high gear, showing you how the E30's straight six engine is fuel injected, along with some nifty wire frame images of circuits, tires, tachometers and other stuff.


Next we see images of how amazing your life could be if only you had an E30, which would include swimming in a pool, driving down the road with the top down, getting insane miles per gallon in the obscure 324d diesel, powering through corners in an M3, and blasting around a snowy mountain in a 325ix while you're wearing a polo shirt even though it seems really cold outside. All the video is really missing is a guy in a white suit cruising around with a kilo of cocaine in the trunk.


Come on, admit it. You've already started looking for your E30 on Craiglsist and cars.com by now. It's okay. You can blame it on the video.