Happy Labor Day, folks. What better way to celebrate America than with a little bit of chicken fried, cold beer on a Friday night, a pair of jeans that fit just right, and the radio on?
That’s right. There’s no better way, and that’s why today’s Traffic Jam is Chicken Fried by the Zac Brown Band. It may be the only country song I actually know, but it’s a bop and a half.
It may also be corny as shit, but it still gets stuck in my head like few other songs do. It’s got a simple message. Chicken, beer, Fridays and jeans rock. How can you disagree with that?
I’ll admit the part about the troops is a little much, but if you look past that, the song is nearly flawless in what it sets out to do: be awesome.
Country music may be a bit shit, but Chicken Fried sure isn’t.
Enjoy your Labor Day. Get off the computer.