Traffic Jams: LCD Soundsystem - ‘Home’

Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we’ll provide the jams.

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Did you hear about that robot that a bunch of researchers made to try and hitchhike across the country? For some reason, the ill-fated tale of this robot has been on my mind this week and it reminded me of an unofficial video created for one of my favorite songs.

For anyone who doesn’t remember, the year was 2015 and the world was full of hope as Brad and Angelina were still together, Trump was still just that idiot who wanted to be president and Harambe the gorilla still walked among us. A simpler time.


And this was the year that a team of scientists decided they should make a hitchhiking robot and see how far it could travel around the world. It managed the streets of the Netherlands just fine, spent a week touring with a heavy metal band and even attended a Red Sox game in Boston. But one day in 2015, the friendly robot met its demise in a Philadelphia alleyway. I’m not saying this was the moment things started to go down hill for the world, but I’m not not saying that.


Anyway, the little robot looked a bit like the star of a video created for Home by LCD Soundsystem. It’s not an official music video, and isn’t sanctioned by the band or its label. But it’s a cute watch nonetheless.


Produced by Rick Darge and Mark Armes, it sees someone create a friendly looking robot that goes on an adventure ‘round America. Along the way it encounters pigeons, traffic and dance clubs, before the adventure begins to go off the rails.

All that is soundtracked by James Murphy’s melancholic musings about life on the road and the time he takes away from his family when touring. It’s a lovely listen and an excellent watch. Happy Wednesday everyone.