Top Gear Filming Its 'Most Ambitious Shoot Yet'

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The new season of Top Gear (UK) begins its 20th series (or season, as we Yanks call it) next week, but that hasn't stopped plenty of leaks about what's coming up. Especially not a leak of this proportion – Jeremy Clarkson himself called it their "most ambitious shoot yet."

Top Gear's most ambitious shoot yet

— Jeremy Clarkson (@JeremyClarkson) June 23, 2013

The video above, sent to us by Tim from Shmee150 is a good look at what's going to appear in the gang's "Best of Britain" feature.


Filmed on the Mall leading up to Buckingham Palace, I see McLarens and Astons (including a McLaren P1 and an Aston Martin One-77), plenty of Bentleys and Rolls-Royces, a Bowler Wildcat, and whole bunch of Formula One cars lining up. Though you may think that just because one of the racers is from Force India or Mercedes GP it actually comes from the country that its branded with, most F1 cars are actually built in Britain.

It looks like it's going to be another absolutely epic series, and I, for one, can't wait.