This Guy Still Driving His Unrestored 1957 Corvette Has Life Figured Out

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Screenshot: HeavyMetalConcepts (YouTube)

Listening to Richard Huxley talk about the 1957 Corvette he’s had for 47 years is as relaxing as it is inspiring. He’s not interested in auction values, or catalog-correctness, or keeping the car garaged all winter. He’s interested in driving.

“It’s an investment I suppose, of sorts, if I ever bring myself to part with it,” 73-year-old Huxley says in this video feature about him and his car. “But that’s not anything to do with why I do anything to it. Any of the cars I have I do stuff for me. You don’t do it for, who you gonna sell it to next, or who gets it next, they can do what they want.”

The car looks OK, it’s not mint, it’s not ratty. It’s not stock, but it’s not heavily modified. It’s just set up exactly the way Huxley likes it. And as you can tell by watching this video, which I highly recommend you do, it sure seems like he’s loving the hell out of the thing.
