This Crazy Explosion Is What Happens When A Factory Full Of Race Fuel Catches On Fire

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A racing fuel warehouse in Winnipeg exploded last night. No one was hurt in the fire, but it caused an estimated $15 million in damages and rained down ash on an entire neighborhood.

The warehouse belonged to Speedway International, which claims it is "North America's #1 source for 99.99% racing methanol," used in numerous race series around the world.

The fire started at around5:30 PM last night, with loud pops of 55-gallon drums accompanying a humongous plume of thick black smoke. Safety crews had to retreat twice as the fire expanded, catching a nearby rail car on fire.


The fire is out, and the warehouse itself has been completely melted, reports CBC News


Some 100 homes to the west of the warehouse were evacuated. Even further homes still had ash falling in their backyards.


Wayne Mezzo, a resident east of the fire, told CBC News that debris was falling in his backyard, but he got no information on the fire or if he should evacuate.

We want to know what's falling from the sky. Whatever that was in my hand, it had a chemical smell to it and it was still hot.

We would like to remind you that if hot and possibly toxic ash is falling in your backyard, don't pick it up with your hands.


None of Speedway International's eight employees were at the building at the time of the explosion, and no injuries across Winnipeg have been reported thus far.

Photo Credits: YouTube (top), YouTube(inset)