These Are The Car Designs You Think Aged The Worst

From Mitsubishi to Mercedes, these are the car designs that you think have aged the worst.

It's amazing the way tastes change. One minute, convertibles are the coolest cars around and the next they're rarer than a Rembrandt. It's for this very reason that a car can look chic and modern on its launch, but older than a noughties TV intro a few months later.

Because of this, we thought it was time to find out just what cars out there have aged the worst. To do this, we turned to you and posed this very question. Thankfully, you came back with some excellent suggestions for the car designs that you think have aged the worst.

So sit back, relax and flick through our gallery of the most dated designs out there, as chosen by you.

Hyundai Coupe

"The blob generation of cars. And if you need a specific example, the Hyundai Coupe is probably one of the worst of those."

What other cars would you count as "the blob generation?" Answers on a postcard, please.

Suggested by: dr-kamiya


"BMW and their 'change for the sake of change' monster grilles.

"Laughable now, laughable for years to come."

Urm, yeah, urm so I think the big grilles look good on cars like the 7 Series and M4.

Suggested by: the1969dodgechargerfan

Honda Accord

"The 'new' Honda Accord looked 30 years old the day it debuted."

This is an opinion shared by many in Jalopnik towers.

Suggested by: muttons

Chrysler 300

"I know they have their fans, but I've always found the Chrysler 300, especially the first gen models, to be supremely unattractive. Everything about them looked so cartoonishly overwrought...and cheap. It wants to imitate a baby Bentley but pulls that off as well as counterfeited Gucci sunglasses or Louis Vuitton bags."

Question, is there anyone out there that manages to make a baby Bentley on the cheap that actually does look good?

Suggested by: hankelwankel

Mitsubishi Eclipse

"The 3rd gen Mitsubishi Eclipse did not age particularly well, especially coming from the far more desirable 2nd gen. With homely looks and more body side rib molding than an early 2000s Pontiac, I can't see this being highly sought after now or ever. For a car model that helped launch the whole aftermarket parts craze, this design is more 'pokey and placid' than 'fast and furious'."

Sure, it made an appearance in "2 Fast 2 Furious," but that can't be enough to redeem its outdated stylings, can it?

Suggested by: regnis78

Mercedes-Benz C230

"I don't know what Mercedes was on in the early 2000s, but it was Ugly then, and it's ugly now: Mercedes Kompressor c230

"Ew look at it from the back, ack."

Weird coupe/hatchback combos were all the rage in the early 2000s, but this offering from Mercedes definitely hasn't stood the test of time.

Suggested by: darthspartan117

Infiniti Q50

"The Infiniti Q50. Believe it or not they still sell these NEW in 2024!

"The interior was horrible when it came out and it's even worse now."

A nomination for an outdated interior, that's allowed. And you're bang on the money here, no car you can buy new in 2024 should look like this inside.

Suggested by: boneheadotto

Ford Mustang

"I would say the early S197 Mustang. It looks straight up from a cartoon. It doesn't help that the SN95's are gaining popularity again and anything after the S197 looks a ton better."

Some argue it was the mid-cycle refresh and its new tail lights that make the original S197 Mustang look dated, others said it's just an old looking car.

Suggested by: nemo1

Hummer H2

"Can't believe H2 and H3 haven't been mentioned. Abominations."

Big boxy monstrosity. I wholeheartedly agree with this poster, everything about the Hummer seems antiquated.

Suggested by: squirmish

Porsche Boxster

"Gen 1 Porsche Boxster. That jelly bean, late '90s/early aughts design just didn't age well."

I'd never considered the old Boxster's similarities to a jelly bean before today, but you're right.

Suggested by: JohnnyWasASchoolBoy

Tesla Model Y

"Model Y. It's a jelly bean on wheels."

Another jelly bean, were you all deprived of candy last week, or something?

Suggested by: windupbird

Tesla Cybertruck

"Too soon to have not aged well?"

It's crazy that these two cars are built by the same manufacturer in the year of our lord 2024.

Suggested by: ejp


"I will say the Corvette C8. I love Corvette's and currently drive a C6, but the C8 already looks like it's aging bad compared to when it first came out. The wide-body helps a lot style-wise but the Stingray? Not looking good at all."

But the C8 is meant to be the mid-engined future of the Corvette?!

Suggested by: lemans-blue

