The Truth About DCX's Star-Spangled Spelling

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Our two favorite holidays are the 4th of July and Christmas Eve. Which is ironic, because we share both of those holidays with our two the ex-girlfriends who still make us sing "Hello Walls" to ourselves as anniversaries. What's more ironic — we're neither particularly religious, nor especially jingoistic. But as Ice T once said, "The Fourth of July is like the ultimate 'fuck-you' holiday." And, in his own Farago-er-than-you way, the TTAC honcho, former Limey-land expatriate and Jalop contributor layeth the F.U. smackdown on Chrysler Group PR type Jodi Tinson regarding the flag as promo item. We feel slightly sorry for her. Then again Midwestern accents are like puppy-dog eyes to us.

Chrysler Finds the Key to Patriotism [The Truth About Cars]

Screw Pentagrams: The Devil Prefers Her Stars With Three Points [Inernal]


My friend Dave's got a '71 Hemi Charger and lives in the Detwa area, too. I'd rather marry his car, Joe. That said, I'd take that 440+6 car as a mistress. Hot damns.