We're big fans of Portland, Oregon. Sure the downtown one-way system and obsessively obsessive buslanes are a pain in the ass and the punkers sparing for change give us bad Telegraph Ave and Gilman Street flashbacks, but it's a beautiful, civic-minded city. And PDX is simply one of the best airports in the country. Recently, critics of the facility commissioned a study of air quality in the flight path of the place. But when the Southwest Clean Air Agency said that they couldn't differentiate the difference between toxic compounds in the air from those produced by vehicles, rendering the study inconclusive, a fight broke out between airport proponents and eco-minded folks. However, most people agree that less benzene is a good idea. We can get behind less benzene, although the Ferrari 308 GT4's "benzina" gauge is totally freaking awesome. Just for the record.
PDX air-quality study: Cars, not planes, the problem [The Columbian]
If the Kids are United: Oregon and Washington to Follow California Emissions Standards [Internal]