Understand him, he'll understand you/For you are him, and he is you.
- Jimmy Pursey
Oregon and Washington have something to say; they're gonna say it now, for now is today: they're planning to follow California's stringent pollution control laws, making the entire Western Seaboard (hey, if the East's got a Seaboard, why can't the West?) its own little anti-emissions bloc. Automotive lobbyists are in a tizzy about this, and especially about Cali's extra-strict new smog laws. On the other coast, six states are also contemplating the implementation of California standards, the first time any Eastern state has publicly adopted anything Californian since Soleil Moon Frye.
West Coast states unite on cleaner car regulations [Detroit News]
Connaught GT: Bespoke Luxury for the Conservationist Set [Internal]